Money can buy happiness is it true ?
Maybe not but it can definitely buy
these !!

May 28, 2021 By cloudroots Off

Secret to get rich  :

Journal : You might have heard this before writing journal is good for you, it helps keep you in moenterm and planning your day ahead!

Gives you a start but do you know it can bring you money that’s right you read that correctly.

When you write something and ask universe for it , universe starts acting in that direction it helps you and give you the power and the inflow starts coming at a speed you can’t even imagine.

That’s the power of writing journal , I would suggest you write your dreams , anything you desire and the universe will help you get it , you want it soon just write it the secret ingredient is to believe in it!

That’s it when you believe in it

It’s actually going to happen!!

Visualize to solution not problems :

You know this just before dozing off your mind starts wondering here and there and while you are tossing on bed sometime someday you might start getting anxiety.

What’s next  ? You know anxiety is there now why it happens you are too busy with your day and gets all those negative thoughts .

There is a way to change this thoughs and alter its course by positive thinking and visualizing for instance you this really happened with buddy of mine.

He just wanted Ps4 and was visualizing and even writing about it and out of nowhere his aunt gifted him that , and guess what she was not aware how crazy he Is becoming to get one!

So the moral , is visualizing is not a technique It’s a research optimized solution to all problems and it actually works.

Now these are some of the items which you must buy with the wealth you accumulated by Journal writing and visualizing