10 Legit ways to earn money in India

May 28, 2021 By cloudroots Off
  1. Make Money Driving Ola or Uber
    Companies like Uber and Lyft offer a great opportunity to make some
    quick cash. You’ll need a clean driving record, a fairly new car and the
    authorization to work wherever it is that you live. If you have all of
    those things, you can work when it’s feasible for you, whether that’s
    in the middle of the day during rush hour, or in the wee hours of the
    night on a weekend. The choice is yours.
  2. Make money online by selling stuff on Ebay
  3. Enroll on freelancing websites like Freelancer,Fivver or Upwork
  4. Tutoring Indeed,webjr multiple sites where you can tutor
  5. Finding a remote job is easier than ever
  6. Flipping and making money
  7. Selling photos legit way
  8. Affiliate Markeeting
  9. Selling domains online
  10. Google Adsense
  11. Blogging